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Transforming people’s beliefs about what is truly important, and what is possible


Through their own personal story of tragedy, resilience, teamwork and faith, Phil and Paula will inspire your employees to increase their situational awareness and never take a safety shortcut again at work, home, or play, by:


  • Connecting with your audience on an intense, intimate, and personal level.

  • Challenging your audience to pay attention to what matters most at work and in life.

  • Showing how to avoid becoming a “Volunteer Victim”.

  • Encouraging your organization to attain a higher level of safety achievement and personal empowerment.

  • Sharing their personal story of how a freak accident caused a life altering injury and demonstrating the “Ripple Effect” which resulted from it.

  • Challenging beliefs on organizational and personal responsibility.

  • Focusing on the basics; practical ways to change everyday behaviors which can prevent injury. and save lives.

  •  Showing how to reduce reportable safety incidents.

  • Sharing how to overcome impossible odds.


We are careful to tailor our presentation to your particular audience.

In a Split Second


Workplace deaths, life-altering injuries, minor injuries, OSHA recordables, higher insurance rates, lost time from work, and negligence lawsuits are just a few of the challenges every company faces when workers underestimate the importance of your safety programs, or they just don’t take it seriously.   Phil’s incredible story of being involved in a freak accident in which his neck was broken, resulting in him being completely paralyzed from the neck down will change the way your audience looks at workplace safety.  The accident was a result of negligence at a workplace, and his life was profoundly changed in a split second.  Through Phil’s personal story, your audience will see first-hand what a life-altering injury actually looks and feels like.  Phil’s wife Paula will share her first-hand experience of the ripple effect of this injury and how it turned her life upside down as well as so many others.  Beyond sharing their story, Phil and Paula will provide actionable steps that can be utilized immediately,  which will foster overwhelming positive changes and provide meaningful and measurable results as you strive for a Zero Incident Culture.​


“When the unthinkable happens, the time to prepare has passed.”

Prepared or Paranoid? â€‹
Safety and Security in Your Workplace


When designing a culture of safety and security for your workplace, how do you find the “middle ground” between training your employees to be prepared, without making them scared and overwhelmed?  How do you prevent the safety and security message from becoming background noise?  Do your employees really know what to do in an emergency?  Many times, employees are inundated with policies and protocols that sometimes don’t make sense.  Phil and Paula’s unique style of helping your employees understand the “why” certain protocols are put in place will foster employee buy-in and enhance the safety and security posture of your organization.  By providing real life examples and practical, actionable steps regarding access control, visitor management, emergency evacuations, active shooter response, “Stop the Bleed” protocols and others, Phil and Paula will open your employee’s eyes to the true importance of this message.


“When the unthinkable happens, the time to prepare has passed.”

Active Shooter Response & Workplace Violence


It is no longer acceptable and is in fact irresponsible for any company to not have an active shooter response plan in place.  With an average law enforcement response time of  7 to 9 minutes to an incident like this, the reality is that you and your employees are your own first responders during that critical time.  Phil and Paula share their unique experience from working at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security,  and utilize those winning principles to empower your employees to act in a violent workplace incident.  Your employees will know how to plan before an incident occurs, and how to respond during and after should the unthinkable happen in your workplace.


“When the unthinkable happens, the time to prepare has passed.”

Overcoming Impossible Odds:  What Paralyzes You?


When Phil was involved in a freak accident in which he broke his neck and became paralyzed from the neck down, his whole life was turned upside down.  Life as he knew it was instantly stopped, and the realization of being completely paralyzed – a quadriplegic -  was now the new normal. Paula, his wife of 34 years at the time, also had a giant STOP button pressed on her life.  Through their journey, they learned that physical paralysis is not the only thing that can stop us from living our dreams.  Many people are paralyzed in so many facets of their life and see no way out.  What is it the paralyzes you, in your physical life, your mental and emotional life, your spiritual life,  and your financial life?  And more importantly, what can you do about it?  Phil and Paula share timeless principles they learned through Phil’s agonizing recovery as he had to basically “start over”, and they show you how to apply these principles to your life and your particular situation.  Their intense, personal, and authentic story of dealing with the unthinkable will challenge your audience to rethink beliefs on what’s truly important in life, and what’s not, and will empower them to overcome any impossible odds.


“When the unthinkable happens, the time to prepare has passed.”

Why Am I Even Doing This?

A Mindset Recalibration For First Responders and Medical Professionals.


Coming Soon


“When the unthinkable happens, the time to prepare has passed.”

Phil & Paula

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