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Phil is a leadership, safety, and security expert in the corporate, public safety and criminal justice arenas.  A decorated law enforcement veteran of over 30 years, Phil has held leadership positions with the United States Department of Homeland Security and is currently the Director of Global Security for a multi-billion-dollar, international company operating in over 90 countries.  



A dynamic, powerful speaker and corporate trainer, Phil has provided training over the last three decades to members of law enforcement, the United States military, churches, schools, organizations, and corporations.  Phil brings his unique leadership experience, as well as his own personal experience with a life altering injury, to challenge audiences to change their attitudes towards safety and to pay attention to what matters most at work and in life.



Phil is the author of “From Sheepdog to the C-Suite”, and his keynote presentation, “In a Split Second”, inspires and transforms audience’s perception of what a life altering injury truly looks like, and more importantly, how to avoid one.  Phil was involved in a freak accident in which he broke his neck and became completely paralyzed from the neck down.  His story of overcoming impossible odds will challenge your audience to rethink beliefs on safety and organizational responsibility, as well as financial liability.  His unique insights have resulted in measurable declines in recordable workplace incidents and injuries.  Phil’s intense, personal, and authentic presentation provides insights and tools which can be implemented immediately, to take your organization to a higher level of safety achievement and personal empowerment.




Phil & Paula

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